
The Maplix company was given a new organisational look. That’s right: Maplix 2.0 has arrived! Keep reading to find out what we have been up to.

We made the switch to

We got rid of, and are happy to introduce our brand new With this change, our website has also undergone an exciting makeover. Can you spot the changes?

Not only the Maplix website has been moved to the new .com extension. Both the survey application and all live surveys and maps can now be found in their new location on the web. Existing surveys and maps are automatically redirected to their .com link.

Welcoming Maplix Engage

Our map-based survey application, as you know it today as Maplix, has been renamed to Maplix Engage. Don’t worry, nothing has changed. Same product, more suitable name. You can now find Maplix Engage on

The umbrella company of all our products and services will simply retain the Maplix name. This way, there is a clear distinction between the products and services we provide, and Maplix, the company itself.

Getting in touch

We have also updated our contact information with the new look. Our email addresses have also adopted the new extension. Say hello to us at!

Anke Bracke

Anke Bracke

Apr 2022

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